Boys & Girls Club Diving In

Surfing is a life skill that translates far beyond riding waves in the ocean. Surfing is an incredible way to learn how to face challenges, overcome fears, trust your body, and become a more empowered person. Through the learning process, our Boys & Girls Club students become more aware of how they deal with life’s ups and downs. Learning to surf develops a clear connection to yourself, and to nature.

This 6-week program is designed for eight students to learn the basics of surfing in a safe, fun, supportive environment. This includes ocean safety, how to read the tides, winds, and currents, and how to catch and ride a wave. Each week the students begin class by talking as a group about their goals and the fears they are working to overcome. This bonds the group and fortifies trust. Each week teaches new tools to better understand the ocean and each child’s relationship to it.
